Friday, September 30, 2005

Oh, for f*ck's sake!

So this is probably one of those tell-tales like washing your hands every 5 minutes is to OCD or rotting teeth to bulimia, but I would rather go to the mall naked than have a typo sitting on one of my blogs for a week! FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!

Okay - I got that out of my system. And corrected the previous entry. Too late it seems. I actually had a reader - and one I respect too!

So I think I have finally found the conspiracy. BTW - I do believe that Lee Harvey Oswald is innocent but Oliver Stone is an idiot. I am not a REAL conspiracy theorist (like the fuckers that said "the government" did something to turn Katrina from a Cat 5 to a Cat 4 during the satellite blackout and blew up the WTC for kicks) just so you'll know.

But has anyone else noticed that the gas companies seemed to have been disappointed that Rita did not slam Houston? I can almost hear them saying "well..., the damage we were expecting to drive gas prices through the roof didn't occur where we thought it would - but we swear there's lots of shit going wrong out on the Gulf and we just have to raise our prices while we're getting the government hand-outs! Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!" And all of this is being exacerbated by the press as well. And whoever started the "run-on-gas" rumors the day after Rita.

Now, on a more personal note - the Baptists need to just shut the fuck up!

I have always been torn over the Gulf Coast casinos. Because I have lived in Mississippi all my life, I remember when it was just a tacky beach "resort" littered with "tourist courts" and Goofy Golf. There were so many memories of my childhood destroyed by the casinos that I have always resented them in a way. And not to mention that they are funded by losers!

But the casinos saved the Mississippi Gulf Coast at a time when it was dying a slow death! There is no doubt about that. So now that Katrina has pretty much erased everything that I once associated with that area, I say "put 'em on land and make 'em twice as big!" We are going to need something to get the tourist dollars back into the area. They're certainly not going to come to view the container ship refuse rotting along the abandoned wharves.

Of course there are some that will say the casinos did most of the damage in their trek across the highway. I just look at it as a sign that God didn't want them in the water anymore! Put them on land where they need to be! Get the losers back to empty their pockets and give Mary Mahoney's some business as well!

And now my final rant...

I am not a fan of the Bush-man. I am not a republican, but I can't call myself a democrat anymore because those idiots have lost it! I personally believe that EVERYONE involved in the Katrina debacle is to be blamed for something. Guess what? We were unprepared. Move on and try to get it right the next time. Okay, so the next time is 3 weeks later. Several days before landfall, evacuations of Houston are being ordered. One huge clusterfuck begins several days early. But no one is killed. Everyone was better prepared. (Although, I can't understand Texas DOT and why the 45 contraflow failed. We got it right in LA and MS the Saturday before Katrina. I saw it!!!) Lots of kinks in the system, bet getting better.

So anyway, as I said I am no fan of Bush. He's an idiot. But how is that now all the fuckers are saying that since Houstonians have more dough than New Orleanians (Orleansians?) they got the "special" government treatment? I take that rhetoric back... I know how it is! They're all C*CKS*CKERS!

There are way too many better bloggers than I (here and here, to name just a couple of my daily reads) that have voiced excellent opinions on how the "poor victims" of these disasters are being ill-treated because of race, etc. (the media perception) and then go on to demand stuff they don't deserve and collect money they don't need (the real version). So I won't even try to go there - would that my wings melt! (Oh fuck - how poetic!)

But even I - a non-republican - can see that maybe "the government" was just trying to get it right this time. Yeah - I know... the same government that blew up the WTC with radio contolled airplanes...

Of course the point is moot. It seems that the world completely forgot Pearlington, Waveland, Diamondhead, Bay St. Louis, Long Beach, Pass Christian, Gulfport, (no, I'm not looking at a map, either) Biloxi, Ocean Springs, Pascagoula, Moss Point and Mobile - not to mention Hattiesburg, Laurel, Wiggins, and all the other little towns - many of which were just erased! New Orleans eclipsed us. Hell, Port Arthur eclipsed us. Port Arthur?

But if I had bought a generator and a chainsaw, I could be spending some FEMA dough in a casino in Bilo... Oops!


At 8/10/05 19:45, Blogger Jon White said...

The WHOLE world didn't forget Pearlington. I spent 10 days there, running what I called the "Aid Mart." I will never forget Pearlington and I am heading back there in a week or so to continue doing what I can.

"Canada" Jon White


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