Monday, February 27, 2006

A surprise post

Yes, I didn’t think I would be able to squeeze another out before leaving, but such is life.

So on Saturday, my USM alumnus significant other went to Hattiesburg to view the USM production of West Side Story. Overall, I think the students did an excellent job. I have never seen a stage version, and of course I can’t help but look for Natalie Wood and Rita Moreno, but I had a great time. The USM orchestra performed really well, and all-in-all I give it high marks all around! Well, I did get bothered by the extra-thick Latina accents… Although the Rita Moreno girl pulled hers off convincingly so. Perhaps it was the tan? And the smile? The Natalie Wood girl was a little, ummm… white-bread? But she’s got some damn pipes and can sing!!! The George Chakiris guy was a little thick as well. Probably the best fit was the Russ Tamblyn guy. But they all did very well.

I also noticed that the lyrics to “I’m so pretty” have changed. No longer do they say “I’m so pretty, and witty, and gay!” I can’t remember what she actually sang, but it wasn’t gay. IS this a political correctness move? Not that it matters. I’m just curious.

But 2 things also came to mind during the song. The first was Hillbilly Mom. The other thing that came to mind during that song (and I really don’t know where this came from) is that I pictured the scene in Silence of the Lambs where Buffalo Bill is dancing around in the girlsuit in front of his video camera. I think he should have been singing “I’m so pretty”.

Off to the wilds of Jersey, I am. Actually, I'll be about 10 minutes from Asbury Park. I'll tell Bruce you said "hi".


At 1/3/06 20:08, Blogger Hillbilly Mom said...

Yikes! It WAS the psycho-killer Buffalo Bill! I was SO hoping that maybe it was that old Dabney Coleman TV show.

How soon before they abridge Tom Sawyer so that Becky Thatcher doesn't tell him her picnic will be "ever so gay"?


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