Friday, February 03, 2006

Okay, so I suck lately!

Yes, I've been post-less here for a while. I suck. Sue me. Just like the guy that bought the iPod and turned it up enough to damage his ears so he is now suing Apple. What an asshole!

Speaking of assholes, we've got a couple of good ones here. Actually, there are three. They just haven't told me the third name yet.

So the MS Bureau of Narcotics go bust a hotel where a guy and his "moll" are selling crack. Michael Liddell (45) and Elizabeth Crawford (31). Liddell is charged with the sale of crack cocaine and Crawford is charged with conspiracy. They were at the Quality Inn Hotel on County Line Road in Ridgeland, just north of Jackson. But the kicker is that the room is a FEMA-paid room. Investigators say the suspects were actually renting the room from someone else "claiming" to be a New Orleans evacuee. They paid 40 dollars a week to the "evacuee" to stay in the room. Police believe the so called evacuee may have several FEMA rooms in the area. Now the case is being handed over to the FBI for possible FEMA fraud. Duh!

So does that mean that once they catch the "evacuee", will he be charged for fraud and selling crack as well? I think that would be just grand!

Well, I have no excuses for my lack of new blogs lately, so you'll just have to trust me when I say I will try and do better. Once I figure out how to get the heroin out of my new puppy, that is... (Colombian fuckers!)


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